The Belmont Association
is the Association of former pupils of Belmont Abbey School, Hereford,
UK. All ex students are de facto Members. The purpose
of the Association is to keep members in contact with each other, inform them of the news and the many events which take place at the
Abbey and also to give support to the Monastery.
Online, there is an
active private Facebook
Group, Belmont
Abbey School (Hereford) please register with your House and
Dates at BAS. There are over 700 members.
You are also invited to register with The
Belmont Abbey School BB Forum. although this is older tech
these days. There
you will
find the Memorabilia
Site a large archive of history, personal accounts, drama reviews
and playbills, sports teams, House and School pics, the Prep Schools,
obituaries and more.
We only use email to
communicate with members, so it is essential that you let us have your
updated email address, and that you check your Spam/Junk folders
regularly, in case emails end up there.