1. Date Signed: October 26, 2003 8:12 PM Reference ID: 669713 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98; BCD2000)
Name: Chris Botting Email: chris.botting@ukgateway.net Location: Aberystwyth Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1982 - 1984 House Kinndersley Would you like details of the Belmont Association? I already a member - thanks Comments:
2. Date Signed: October 06, 2003 10:48 AM Reference ID: 659392 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
Name: Andrew Tang Email: andransi@vtc.edu.hk [Block Email] Location: Hong Kong Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1979 to 1982 House Kemble Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: It would be good to have photos of the Belmont Fencing Team too.
3. Date Signed: September 25, 2003 5:21 PM Reference ID: 654162 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; H010818)
Name: Edwin Inya Email: deo2510afoz@yahoo.com [Block Email] Location: Presently- Newcastle Upon Tyne (Northumbria Univer Homepage: http:// None yet Belmont Dates Llanarth 75/79; Belmont 79/82 House Simply the BEST - CANTILUPE Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes, please Comments: This website really gives me a mixed feeling - that of sadness and joy. Sadness because my two main Alma-mater Llanarth and Belmont just melted away and disappeared as a school, while one had been wishing and planning that my children would have to be educated in those sheep-fold enclaves. I had even voluntered to come and teach there after my first degree course in 1992 and that was when I got the wind of what was in the offing.With the Honour Boards all gone. Joy because the memories and reminiscence of those days are being relived here as past stories and events are recounted including those done just for the kicks.More still here we have an avenue to chat and communicate with old friends and "foes" alike, and bridging the generation gap between us and our fathers and possibly grand fathers. Hasn't science done wonders to mankind? Oh!oops! I should have said "God" 'cause He is all science. Let's not forget the good old Divinity lesson. I have made this site is my recreation centre especially when I am socially bored.
4. Date Signed: September 22, 2003 7:41 PM Reference ID: 652744 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Name: Martin M Marriott Email: martin.marriott@ntlworld.com [Block Email] Location: Birkenhead Homepage: http://www.firesprite.co.uk/ Belmont Dates 1971 to 1973 House Kindersley Would you like details of the Belmont Association? No, thank you. Already contribute Comments: Friends are the family that one chooses to live with.
5. Date Signed: September 11, 2003 4:23 PM Reference ID: 647482 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Name: Lucan Raphael Email: lraphael@icbi.co.uk [Block Email] Location: London Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 86-91 House Kemble Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes Comments: I Loved every minute at Belmont, I made some great friends who I still know today, Sid (Lawrence James) was my best man and Woody (Mathew Woodward)was one of my Ushers at my Wedding last year, Paul Rands also join us with his wife it was great to have them all there on the day. I still get sad to think that the school no longer exists, I have been back only a handful of times and every time another part of the school has gone. However in my minds eye it's all still there even the SFU which would have fallen down by now if it hadn't been pulled down. Lucan Raphael
6. Date Signed: August 18, 2003 4:19 PM Reference ID: 634085 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Name: Chris Burns Email: chris.burns@neopost.co.uk [Block Email] Location: Highgate , London Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1971-75 House Kindersley Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes Comments: Have just discovered the site and am pleased to see the detail and coverage !Looking forward to taking a closer look .
7. Date Signed: August 12, 2003 12:08 AM Reference ID: 630779 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
Name: Peter 'Henry' Selman Email: hobby33@hotmail.com [Block Email] Location: West Australia Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1957-1961 House Cantilupe Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: Good to see you there Ivek, but what about some more. G'day all, from our time at Belmont.
8. Date Signed: August 03, 2003 10:38 PM Reference ID: 626331 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
Name: Thomas McMillan Email: ramos-de-deus@msn.com [Block Email] Location: London Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1961 -1966 House Kimble & Vaughn Would you like details of the Belmont Association? yes Comments: Shocking to read that Dom Roger Hosker died in Las Vegas, and had a family! Also Mr Jenkins recently deceased.
9. Date Signed: July 29, 2003 2:12 AM Reference ID: 623097 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Name: Ivek Vinski Email: vinski@idola.net.id [Block Email] Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Homepage: http://www.eradunia.co.id/ Belmont Dates 1954 - 1959 House Cantilupe Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes Comments: I particularly appreciate the memorabilia site where I was able to retrieve some long-lost photos!
10. Date Signed: July 14, 2003 7:05 PM Reference ID: 615138 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95)
Name: Dermot O'Shea Email: Dermoto-shea36@hotmail.com [Block Email] Location: Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates House Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: Signed guesbook but forgot e-mail address.
11. Date Signed: July 12, 2003 5:26 PM Reference ID: 614117 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 95)
Name: Dermot O'Shea Email: [Block Email] Location: Kilcullen,Co. Kildare Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1951-1956 House Cantilupe Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: Fifty years have passed but still the memories echo - maybe if I stood on my Zimmer-frame I could access the attic and retrieve those yellowing photos(mostly taken in those long Herefordshire summers) The Site is a great idea -good luck to it!
12. Date Signed: June 30, 2003 10:39 PM Reference ID: 608011 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Name: Simon Brown (Bren) Email: Simon@wroks.freeserve.co.uk [Block Email] Location: Basingstoke, Hants Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 68-72 House Kindersley of course!! Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes Comments: These sites get better each and every time I look at them. Possibly because I am getting older as well. Never seem to know when reunions are. Must be doing something wrong; would love to do something right. I have quite a few phots, will scan and send.
13. Date Signed: June 22, 2003 2:47 AM Reference ID: 603541 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; (R1 1.1); .NET CLR 1.0.3705)
Name: Ian Robertson Email: ian@familyrobertson.com [Block Email] Location: Houston, Texas Homepage: http://www.familyrobertson.com Belmont Dates 1964 - 66 House Vaughan Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes please Comments: I would like to express my deepest thanks to all of the monks and staff at Belmont for their help and guidance during my time there. Although my parting was not as expected, I took those learning's and lessons with me into life and grew up to love them and live by them. They have served me and my family well. Thank You.
14. Date Signed: June 13, 2003 6:42 PM Reference ID: 599733 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461; BCD2000)
Name: Brian Rudd Email: brian@rudd.freeserve.co.uk [Block Email] Location: Carlisle Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1964 - 1968 House kemble Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments:
15. Date Signed: June 11, 2003 1:25 PM Reference ID: 598606 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Name: Gary Dean Mace Email: garydmace@hotmail.com [Block Email] Location: Moreton in Marsh Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1980-1984 House Ethelbert and kemble Would you like details of the Belmont Association? yes please Comments:
16. Date Signed: May 28, 2003 4:54 PM Reference ID: 591733 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
Name: Sean Collins Email: sean.collins@chesterton.co.uk [Block Email] Location: London Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1992-1994 House Vaughan Would you like details of the Belmont Association? yes Comments: I was delighted to stumble on this site and enjoyed wandering down memory lane (via the sewers) As the last Head Boy at the school I found the articles relating to the 1994 closure particularly poignant and they reminded me of what a surreal few months that was. A great place crammed full of sdome of lifes eccentrics and the most loyal friends anyone could hope for.
17. Date Signed: May 27, 2003 12:08 PM Reference ID: 591070 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Name: Carlos Bonilla Represa Email: cermenio@hotmail.com [Block Email] Location: Sevilla Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1988-1989 House Vaughan House Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes, please. Comments: Iīm glad to have news from Belmont, unfortunately I`m in Spain and I canīt go there to have a look as often as I would like. Itīs been ten years since my last visit to that wonderful community, and I think it`s time to have another one now with my girlfriend so she can meet such a nice piece of my past. Regards, Carlos Bonilla Represa.
18. Date Signed: May 16, 2003 10:43 AM Reference ID: 585930 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; DFAIT; T312461)
Name: Israel Noko Email: ilnoko@yahoo.com [Block Email] Location: Johannesburg (South Africa) Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 1986-1991 House Cantilupe Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Yes Comments:
19. Date Signed: May 15, 2003 8:51 PM Reference ID: 585661 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; BTinternet CD v7.0)
Name: simon webborn Email: simon.trudie@btinternet.com [Block Email] Location: swansea Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates 75/80 House vaughan Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments:
20. Date Signed: May 12, 2003 9:53 PM Reference ID: 584147 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
Name: RIDOUT Email: ANTHONYRIDOUT90@HOTMAIL.COM [Block Email] Location: KINGSTON, JAMAICA Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates LLANARTH 76/79 BELMONT 79/84 House CANTILUPE Would you like details of the Belmont Association? YES Comments:
21. Date Signed: May 09, 2003 1:47 AM Reference ID: 582283 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
Name: Paul Bateman Email: paul@bateman901.feeserve.co.uk [Block Email] Location: Somerset Homepage: http://www.freeserve.co.uk Belmont Dates 86-89 House Ethelbert- the best Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: Good site. Keep up the good work!!!
22. Date Signed: April 26, 2003 9:36 AM Reference ID: 576101 From IP: [Block IP] Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; YComp
Name: Tony Aitken Email: [Block Email] Location: Homepage: http:// Belmont Dates House Would you like details of the Belmont Association? Comments: Hi, this is a new guestbook for the site, please excuse the Ads, but there's no such thing as a free guestbook! Had to change because the Alxnet guestbook we had been using for two years started spamming with some startlingly explicit images featuring "Stephanie and her friends". All the original guestbook messages are available back on the main page. Thanks for visiting. regards Tony
Name: Ed Owens
Hometown: B'klyn NY
Belmont Dates: 73-76
House: Kindersley
Sent: 07.09 - 4/12
This web site is a surprise!
Like to hear from old comrades - especially looking for Mark England -of punk
rocker fame, not the naughty one.
My times were a little harrowing at the school as I was never far away from the
end of the cane; or a run around Cleonger bright and early on a crisp Sunday
Morning (we usually took the short route across the fields around the back of
the Abbey and hid behind the shooting range intil a feasible amount of time had
What was preferble as a junior, honory service or "fagging" (Americans
can't get their heads around the latter). I prefered fagging - i did a term for
hedley housemistress I forgot her name - gritty character. She could light a
cigarette and let it burn all the way to the end with out taking a puff or the
ash falling.
Remember the coffee Parties ? As much Mothers Pride toast and butter washed down
with gallons of coffee LAST THING AT NIGHT. what a treat!
OK, what was the best meal during our era? I can remember being addicted to
breakfast cereal - I used to feast on it in the morning and avoid the deep fried
bread , even with the marmalade. All washed down with ready mixed full strength
tea from one of those stained dank yellow plastic cups (Dish washer was always
on the blink)
Can any body tell me the history of that infernal bell underneath the stairs in
Kindersley house? Could it be heard from all the other houses? That thing came
from a blelfry somewhere and was intended to call folk from far and wide - not
upstairs. To make it worse, the clanger was not attached so the ringer could
hold it above his head and rain down blows as hard as he liked.
Best part of school - Starsky and Hutch night
Worst part - seeing your name on the board at the begining of the week under the
heading"Notes"If I remember rightly we always had plenty of time to
anticipate the corporal session. I wonder if I am going to get 3 or 4 this time
and is there anything I can invent between now and then to stop it from hurting
so much. On the same subject if oyu went to Llanarth Court as I did can you
remember Mr reardon the deputy head/Maths teacher. Ouch he could put on a show
with that"tickler" of his - for those of you who don't know it was a
broken metre stick he used to carry around in his brief case and pull out on
occassion that he considered prep results poor - he used to line us up - OUCH!!
I'd be interested to hear from folks who went to Llanarth from 73 to 76 too. I
went back there on my last visit to the UK and was surprised to see it
functioning as a psychiatric facility - the swimming pool was filled and grassed
over. I spoke to one of the patients and asked if the Grey Lady was still
haunting the boathouse.
OK who was the Frog $20 to the first correct answer
Lots of memories and laughs to share - good and bad.
Name: Gerard Greenhalgh
Hometown: Bolton, Lancs.
Belmont Dates: 05.44 / 12.49
House: Ethleberts & Kemble
Sent: 20.39 - 11/24
Left aged 15 to go to St. Bedes M/cr
Played for U15's in 1948/9