The Programmes for school plays were printed
by the Kemble Press. This was run by D. Benet Fell before his sabbatical
change of title to D Peter. D.Benet/Peter ran the Kemble Press in the
early sixties. Most of the printing
for the school and Abbey was done by the Kemble Press in a shed next door to the
Abbey behind a hedge, long gone now. There were two large presses, one of them
foot operated, many trays of lead print and blocks, and a wonderful smell of
printing ink and paraffin.
D Benet/Peter was always kind and patient as he taught someof us how to work the
presses, arrange the letters in trays and generally maintain the place. In
return we could play records on the Dansette, and listen to the radio,
quite a privilege for fourth and fifth formers in those days! There may even
have been the occasional illicit smoke behind the shed I seem to remember...
An exciting time of year was preparing the programme for the Christmas Play,
usually there would be a special wood or lino cut prepared by D. Brendan or one
of the clever school artists like Kieran Lyons and some fine examples
can be seen on the Memorabilia site drama pages.
This beautiful Lino Cut was made by Dom Brenden Minney, a fine Artist, and Headmaster at Belmont until 1961.
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