Mystery  pics from '70s, '80s, '90s. Your help required!

Please email with dates, names, and team descriptions.

Thanks to Tim Howell for the info, And to Mike King, Steve Sobot  Julian Mellors and Tif Harris for the extra notes...

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(left to right) : Bob Carslaw (Kemble) Dai Pook(Cantilupe) Toby Bradshaw (Cantilupe) - Gerald Atteck (Cantilupe) Simon O'Reilly (Ki)? (Anthony?) Howarth (Cantilupe) ?Charlie Adams (Cantilupe) Cox: (Giles?) Newby-Vincent (Kemble?)


Pic 2  Bede Walsh (Kemble); John Meny Gibert (Ki), Henry Donovan (Va), sarah Peart (H).  Must be early 70's as Henry Donovan came to Llanarth as student teacher in '75/76


Pic 4 : Judging by all people being Vaughanites must be a house party! Best guess would be '77/78 F LtR : Whittington, Conroy, Donnelly, ?
Back: ?, ?, Nick Donovan, Tony Lovell, Domininc Leese, ?


Picture Five  Prefects from 1984/5.
From left to right:
James Dixon(Ethelbert), Craig Watson (Vaughan), Paul Thorpe (Kindergarten), Anthony Davies (Ethelbert), Nicholas Jones (Kindergarten), James Entwistle (Ethelbert - headboy), Fr Simon (Headmaster), Bob Brown (Kemble - i/c tuck shop...), Ade Akitoye (Vaughan), Spencer Harvey (Cantilupe, i/c barbers shop), Damian Collins (Cantilupe), Julian Nelson (Vaughan, utterly bonkers!), Grant Wheeler (Kemble), Dominic Antoniazzi (Kemble).


Picture Six

Looks like Va v. Eth house match   Remo Polledri (mi) with the ball. Best guess would be '79/80
I support the hypothesis that this indeed the sporting god Remo Polledri scything through a traditionally laughable Ethelbert defensive line... (Junior League 1978 / 9)
Flailing about in the background for Ethelbert are, I think, on the very far left of the picture Robert Gibbon (later Junior GB rower), and second from the right a very young and not yet fully formed Nick Snell (later transferred to Kindersley, probably as a result of this match...). Providing ineffectual, and thankfully unnecessary back-up for Vaughan House were, to the left of Remo, Paul Kinsey, Paul Woods (later Junior GB rower), and Paul Fingleton (later Chartered Accountant...). No doubt the fourth Vaughan shirt is Paul something or other too, but I don't recognise him.


Pic 7 : Can't remember real name but the lady on the left was affectionately known as Annabolic (as in steroids) The picture was definitely in my era so would be '76-81 sometime.
Playing second-fiddle to Anabolic in this picture is my personal favourite kitchen-lady of all time, Sheila. (No, she wasn't from Australia, she was from Hereford...)


Picture Eight
I think that I'm right in saying that the sturdy gentleman in this picture went under the sobriquet "Greasy John". He is here seen in the flush of youth, before he let himself go...






Picture Nine
That looks very much like a girl to me, goddamit - and she's pinching a boy's prize !!! No wonder the school closed down shortly afterwards...!!
Clare Fearnley receiving a prize. I believe she was in the same year as Fiona Goble, Jenny Ball, Sarah Lethbridge etc. If so, this is either summer 1975 or summer 1976. In the background, (as well as Dai Thomas, Pete Walsh? Father Simon [McGurk] and Brother William), I can make out Gerard Hughes. He is sitting in the front row with the staff. Therefore, this must have been during the time when he was head boy. If this is true, this is probably 1976.

Peter Vella writes: "The speech day shots are almost certainly 1975. Clare Fearnley was a year ahead of me and I left in 1976. Tempting to think 76 as sweltering hot summer. Definitely not earlier than 75 because Biology A level teacher (young chap with long side boards-far left on shot 12) is in the shot (Mr M.... can't quite remember) and he joined in my lower sixth. Edit - Mr Myers was the biology teacher."




Dec '05 Alastair Godwin writes: "Love the shot of Hugh Davis in his shades between Terry Fallon and Choc!"