This is an interesting chronicle which wryly observes Fr Christophers tenure as acting head master. January - May 1979. Many old traditions were cast off during this time including the hands in pockets privilege...who was the chronicler? Great stuff.


Introduction :
This is a revival of an old
feature from the original
Belmont Abbey School
Magazines of 1937-1948.
It consists of excerpts
from the day-to-day diary
of our Chronicler. Their
interest and novelty seem
to deepen the older they
Mon. 15th: The school returns and
prepares for another term. The Abbey
Church is still not finished; will the
workmen ever leave us? We now have a
new geography teacher - Mr. Simpson
from  Scotland.  Of  course  Father
Christopher  is  Headmaster. C.D.
Riches and T. Morgan are the new
Deputy Headboys.

Wed. 17th: The mock G.C.E. exams
start today; it is apparent that several
people did less work than necessary in
the holidays!

Thur. 18th: The week of prayer tor
Christian unity begins. Unfortunately
the snow makes it impossible for the
football matches to be played.

Fri. 19th: Today seems to be, "Rules
Day"; new, old and revived rules seem
to be springing up sonstantly. The pop
music fans seem to be suffering most!

Sal.  20th:  Today  will  go down  in
history as a dead loss.
Mon. 22nd: The monks continue, but
the  junior  rugby  matches  are

Tue. 23rd: Even more matches are
postponed because of the bad weather,
this time Senior Cup.

Fri.  26th:  Australia  Day  -  means
nothing to anyone apart from our
resident kangaroo Simon Pettit!

Sat. 27th: Father Christopher does a
spot check and finds many unshaven
youths! He ensures that this is stopped
 by ordering them to shave.
Mon. 29th: Our reverend Headmaster
started turning the screws on us, by
cracking  down  on  manners  and
Wed. 31st: The Wednesday activities
resumed today, with most people in the
clubs of their choice.
There was a search during prep, in
which everything from  money  to
alcoholwas seized, but not the object in
Thur. 1st: The senior cup squash began
today, and Kindersley beat Kemble.
There was a school meeting before
lunch, and Fr Christopher revealed that
it had been Mr. Myers' stop-watch that
had been, "stolen". Apparently it had
walked out of the Biology prep room
last Tuesday! How Strange!
Fri. 2nd: As today is Candlemass, mass
was celebrated in all Houses with the
blessing of candles.
In the Senior Cup squash, Vaughan
decisively beat Ethelbert. To dismay of
many die-hard punkers in the world,
the notorious Sid Vicious departed to
his eternal rest this morning. May he
pogo in peace.........
Sat. 3rd: The feast of St. Blaise is today,
and so our throats were blessed.
As usual the rugby matches against
King's  school  Worcester  were
A  band  of  Belmont  Welsh  men
descended  upon  Cardiff  for  the
International rugby match. God help
Sun. 4th: No film will be shown due to
the. "removal" of one of Fr Dyfrig's
Mon. 5th: Fr Christopher went to
London for the day, so not only was
there no assembly, but also there were
no new rules made for a whole day!

Tue. 6th. After an exciting performance
By the Cantilupe and
Vaughn squash Teams, Cantilupe won
The cup.
The weather turned cold again, and
According to Matron about half the
School have colds.

Wed. 7th: This evening Fr Christopher
decided not to beat a few 5th formers for
"Talking in the Martin Building", as
part of an "experiment". What a gentle
Headmaster we have'

Thur. 8th: Father Chrislopher
interviewed   half  the  fifth  form
concerning their Headmaster's reports:
by "Divine Decree" it seems we are to
believe  that  the impossible is now


Fri. 9th; Father Christopher gave all the
upper fifth their sixth form priveleges
today. At the same school meeting he
announced that "pop music" may now
be played after tea on week-ends, and
that we may change into casual clothes
at that time. The shrewder members of
the school saw this as an attempt to
regain popularity after a severe drop in
his rating in recent Galiup polls that
arose due to some sore backsides.
In the evening half the servers enjoyed
an excellent dinner, courtesy of Fr 
 Illtud and Mrs. O'Connor.

Mon. 12lh: "Twig" Liltlewood was
appointed  senior  Deputy-Headboy
 today. Also at weekday lunches the
 Masters and prefects will now sit on the
 same tables as the rest of the school; this
 is intended to improve our manners,
 and prepare us for, "Adult life"......
Wed. 14th: Valentine's day! As usual
 cards poured in for those boys in
 Belmont who are "in love". (Don't tell
 Jenks they exist)

 Sal. 17th: In order for us to enjoy the
 House Concert Competition, there was
 a work period between 2pm. and
 4pm.......The  validity  of  the
 Headmaster's arguements supporting
 his actions were thoroughly disputed
 by ardent rugby hooligans (including
 the Abbot and Mr. Barnsley)! In a til of
 generosity Fr Christopher let 15 whole
 boys watch the International rugby
 match on T.V....swoon.
 Kindersley  won  both  the  House
 Concert competition cups. Needless to
 say not everyone thinks they deserved to
 Sun. 18th: Due to icy conditions a lot of
 boys could not go out this Quarter day.
Mon. 19th: At a school meeting the
 ancient custom of hands-in-pockets
 was casually disposed of. It appears the
 Headmaster wants everyone to be
 equal; also the order for going into
 lunch has been radically altered -
 supposedly so that juniors may sit with
 the masters. They are welcome.
Thur. 22nd: In an exciting and close
 game Canlilupe beat Vaughan in the
  Senior Cup final by 13 points to 9. A
  last minute try to Simon Petlit secured
  victory for Cantilupe.
  During prep Fr Christopher let the
  whole school watch Top of the Pops
  because it was Cardinal Newman's
  178th birthday yesterday.....
  Sat. 24th: Father Christopher gave us,
  or rather the sixth form, a tiny privelege
  that doesn't even show upon this page.
  Sun. 25th: Quite a few boys went home
  today, taking a Quarter day a week later
  as they had been unable to go home last
  In the afternoon there was a rugby
  match against the "Belmont
  Association". It was a very good game,
  but  age  and  experience overcame
  youth, and the Association (Old Boys)
  won 36 to 3.
  Mon. 26lh: At Assembly the
  Headmaster announced  that  the
  Headboy may own and drive a car at
Wed 28th: Ash Wednesday. Lent began
with the whole school going to Mass in
 the gym. Nicholas Ashford enjoyed his
 feast day very much.
 Thur. 1st: The Welsh members of the
 school went around wearing leaks and
 daffodils, because in was Sl Davids
 day. How strange!
 Fri 2nd: The handbook informs me
 that John  Wesley  was born today.
 WOW! I've always wanted to know
 such startling things. Fr Simon this is a
 Catholic school isn't it? Some people
 ask if even Elvis Presley will qualify tor
 an entry!
Wed. 7th: In honour of Michael
 Littlewood's  selection  to  play  for
  England - today is a whole Holiday. In
  fact  my sources claim that as rowing
  and rugby are taking lots of people
  away from school it would make it
  pointless to teach anyway.
  In the evening a party of boys went to
  Tewkesbury  to watch our   Dark
  Advent". The splendid production was
  praised by the adjudicator, but he
  Fudged a prep school's "Wizard of Oz
  to be better. Damn cheek! (Jenks is in a
Sat 17th: In today's final of the Drama
  Festival, despite  a  very  good
  performance, we tailed to win overall.
  As a consolation prize Fr Christopher
  won the Producer's cup, and Mr Alick
  Rowe the cup for the author of the Best
  Original Play. You guessed it, Jenks
  isn't in the best of moods.

Sun. 18th: Fr Dyfrig showed a really
bloody film call "Blazing Magnum".
No wonder we're such a violent
generation Jenks.
Unbelievably British Summer Time
began today; but the weather proves
that it cannot be spring, it must be mid-
Mon. 19th: Surprise, surprise, no silly
rules today
Wed. 21st: Today is the feast of St
Benedict,  and  so we  had a whole
Fri. 23rd: Who's Jimmy Edward?
Sat. 24th: Some boys starred in a Young
Farmers Entertainment Competition.
They came first in the Western Region
round, held in Malvern. They were
James Duncan, Frank Kovaks, D. H.
Morgan and Andrew Morris.
Sun. 28th: Mr. Barnsley set an excellent
example for the teaching staff by
inviting his Latin class to tea in his
house. Advice: take note teachers and
follow suit.
Mon. 26th: To the dismay of many, we
all have 30 minutes extra prep every
Sunday. Someone had better tell Jenks
to think again; we might have to take
action to protect our rights.
Tue. 27th: Fr Christopher fell badly ill
and Fr Simon seized control of the
school. Later Fr Christopher recovered
and his regime was re-established.
Fri. 30th: We broke up; everybody was
more than ready to go home!

             NEW TERM
Tue. 17th: The school returned after
only 17 days holiday. The Headboy
now has his car. Whoosh!
Thur. 19th: The Headmaster gave a
massive quantity of new rules, dates
and other such "interesting things", in
a school meeting. Included is a weekly
School Singing Practice, and, even
worse, late night work periods every
week-day. (It is generally realised that
Fr Christopher is campaigning to be
Headmaster in September!) Political
indoctrination also began today, (well,
what's wrong with that?) we are to get a
whole holiday in the Conservatives
win. They will......
 Sun. 22nd: The Observer claims the
 Conservatives have a 20 per cent lead
 over Labour in the Election campaign.
 Mon. 23rd: Today Belmont saw the rise
 of its first truly great political party -
 The British Democratic Party. David
 Aldrich is the leader, and there is a
 "Shadow Cabinet" of 13 members. It is
 slightly  right-wing,  and  an
 improvement  on  the  Conservative
 Fri. 27th: Canlilupe confidently beat
 Kindersley in the Senior Cup football.
 Cantilupe's Conservative style easily
 triumphed  over  Kindersley's  more
 Liberal play!
 Sat. 28th: A group of boys went to
 Hereford to collect money (or the blind.
 Sun. 29lh; The play was performed in a
 disused  church  a  (Llanellieu  near
 Talgarth. The cast of "Dark Advent"
 gave a special performance to an
 audience of only a few dozen.
 Wed. 2nd: Winter descended upon
 Belmoni for a second time! It snowed
 intermittently throughout the whole
 Thur. 3rd: Today is the day of the
 General Election!  Opinion polls
 predict  a  Conservative  victory  of
 between 4 and 8 per cent. The results
 are due Friday lunchlime.
 Fri. 4th: We have our Holiday! By the
 early hours of the morning it became
 obvious that the Conservatives have
 won. At lunchtime we got the full
 result; the Conservatives have a safe
 majority of 43 seats.
 Sat. 5th: The 1st XI drew today against
 Cathedral School. It was a very close
  match,  and  we  deserved  to win.
  However, it had snowed before the
  match, and as a result the wicket was
  Mon. 14th: The British Democratic
  Party today shot to fame, appearing in
  both the Hereford Evening News and
  the Hereford Times.